AOMA Virtual Summit

Australia's biggest ocular melanoma virtual meeting

Each year, Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials along with its special interest group, the Australasian Ocular Melanoma Alliance (AOMA), hold a Virtual Summit. This full-day, online meeting brings together healthcare professionals, researchers, and consumers in ocular melanoma to share the latest research and facilitate national and international collaborations for this rare, aggressive, and often devastating cancer.

This free online event features international and Australian ocular melanoma experts, along with consumers who talk about their experiences with ocular melanoma. The summit covers the latest in clinical trials, ocular melanoma therapies, advances in ophthalmology, new Australian and international research, radiation oncology, and more. Attendees can watch from anywhere in the world as well as access the session videos online.

2025 AOMA Virtual Summit - Date to be advised

Click the images below for video recordings and information from past events

Australasian Ocular Melanoma Alliance (AOMA)

The Australasian Ocular Melanoma Alliance (AOMA) is the peak national body representing medical, para-medical, nursing and consumer representatives who aim to improve the care and treatment of ocular melanoma patients in Australia and around the world.

AOMA members include Ophthalmologists, Surgeons, Medical and Radiation Oncologists, Pathologists, Allied Health, Scientists, Researchers and Consumer Representatives from across Australia and New Zealand. The focus of this extensive collaboration is treatment paradigms for ocular melanoma, and current and future research.

Founded in 2017 by Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials, AOMA is a priority research special interest group.

Visit the AOMA website for more information.

Partnership and fundraising opportunities

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials provides a range of benefits to sponsors of its AOMA Virtual Summits. We also support community members to fundraise for our ocular melanoma research. To learn more, please email 


Uveal Melanoma Registry
Gathering data to improve clinical practice for uveal melanoma.
Learn more.

Dr Tim Isaacs’ article in the May 2024 edition of Optometry Connection

AOMA website
Visit the AOMA website

Patient information brochures 
By AOMA and Melanoma Institute Australia
Early Ocular Melanoma
Advanced Ocular Melanoma 

Facebook private patient support group
OcuMel Australia and New Zealand (Ocular Melanoma Support)
This is a private Facebook group for Australian and New Zealand ocular / uveal melanoma patients and their families and carers. Membership rules apply. 

Facebook ocular melanoma awareness page
Ocular Melanoma Awareness – AUS
The is a public Facebook page to raise awareness of ocular / uveal melanoma in Australia and New Zealand


AOMA news

Phone: +61 3 9903 9022

AOMA on Twitter
Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials news