Corporate Partnerships

Conquering melanoma and skin cancer together

As a corporate partner, you’ll help us to conquer melanoma and skin cancer through clinical trials. In return, we’ll work to help you achieve your partnership goals, whether that be for marketing, philanthropy or corporate social responsibility. 

We understand that corporate support can take many forms, so we collaborate with you to develop a bespoke and meaningful partnership that will also help us to work towards our vision of eliminating melanoma and skin cancer. Some ways in which corporate partnerships can help us include:

  • Melanoma and skin cancer awareness and education campaigns 
  • Fundraising campaigns to support our clinical trials
  • Support through the provision of goods, services and expertise
  • Untied funding so we can address the areas of greatest need within our melanoma and skin cancer clinical trials portfolio

Sponsor one of our scientific events

We also offer sponsorship opportunities for events including our:

View Our Partners page to see the companies who currently support Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials.

Melanoma and skin cancer are urgent problems for Australia

Australia has the highest rate of melanoma and skin cancer in the world. In addition:

  • 2 in 3 Australians will have skin cancer by age 70
  • 1 Australian is diagnosed with invasive melanoma every 30 minutes
  • 1 Australian dies from melanoma every 6 hours
  • Melanoma is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australians aged 20 – 39. 

Source – Cancer Australia and State of the Nation report.

Demonstrate your commitment to conquering melanoma and skin cancer

Your company’s brand will benefit from aligning with our not-for-profit research organisation that is addressing the urgent problem of melanoma and skin cancer in Australia and improving outcomes for patients with these cancers. 

Since 1999, Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials has delivered over 30 clinical trials that have made a real impact on the lives of melanoma and skin cancer patients. Over 7,500 Australians have participated in our clinical trials, with many having positive outcomes from the treatment they received. The evidence published from our high-quality clinical trials has also improved how doctors diagnose, treat and prevent melanoma and skin cancer.

Why corporates should partner with not-for-profits

According to research in the Conscious Consumer Report 2023 by Cavill + Co, corporates should partner with not-for-profit organisations because:

Let's talk

To discuss how your company can partner with Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials, contact:

Merrin Morrison
Marketing and Communications Manager
Email Merrin
Phone: +61 400 829 601

ACNC Registered Charity

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials is a registered not-for-profit research organisation (company limited by guarantee).

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials has an academic affiliation with Monash University, with a dedicated centre supporting its research activities, the Melanoma and Skin Cancer Research Centre, within the School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine.